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Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property Rights and Antitrust Laws – Seminar Details

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Seminar Details Webinar Intellectual Property Competition Law
Beginner's Guide to Intellectual Property Rights and Antitrust Laws

Sponsored by Tohoku University

Date/Time2024/12/6 15:00-16:30
from Innoventier

Speaker: Takeru MIZOGAMI

Attorney at Law (Japan)
Osaka University School of Law Department of Law (LL.B.) (Mar, 2010)
Kyoto University Law School (J.D.) (Mar, 2012)
Innoventier LPC / Associate (Apr, 2018 - Dec, 2023)
Innoventier LPC / Partner (Jan, 2024 - )
Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Competition Law, Dispute Resolution

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