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Practical Knowledge on Patent Licsence Agreement – Seminar Details

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Seminar Details Webinar (hybrid) Intellectual Property
Practical Knowledge on Patent Licsence Agreement

Sponsored by Study Group for International Practice of Osaka Bar Association

Date/Time2024/9/2 18:30-20:30 (Completed)
from Innoventier

Speaker: Ayumu IIJIMA

Senior Partner
Attorney at Law (Japan), Patent Attorney (Japan), Attorney at Law (New York)
Kyoto University Department of Law (LL.B.) (Sep, 1992)
Duke University School of Law (LL.M.) (May, 2001)
Japan Patent Office Legislative Affairs Office / Legal Expert (Jul, 2002 - Jun, 2003)
Innoventier LPC / Representative Partner (Apr, 2016 - Aug, 2017)
Innoventier LPC / Senior Partner (Representative of Innoventier Group) (Sep, 2017 - )
Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Dispute Resolution

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